February is the month of amethyst.
Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac, or mauve is called amethyst. The word comes from the Greek amethustos meaning "without drunkenness" and was traditionally worn to guard against intoxication and to instill a sober mind. Ancient Egyptians used the amethyst to guard against fearful feelings and self-deception. Today, amethysts are often worn by healers, as it has the power to focus energy as well as bring pleasant dreams or relieve headaches.
Amethyst has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale and appears as quartz.
Care: Because it is relatively high on the Mohs scale, amethyst can be cleaned in an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner or with warm, soapy water and soft bristle brush. However, it will become paler if kept out in the sun too long.
Make that special someone in your life feel like a princess this year with a beautiful amethyst piece.
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